Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Book Jackets


The Dude said...

DAMN!, They look great man, realy well done.


steph said...

These look great. I really like all the detail you put into them like the T and A for Title and Author. Way to go!

Amber said...

These look terrific. The only thing I might suggest to look at would be the white rings on the back that extend from the inside flap. It might be a little too much with those and the rows of dots at the bottom. Just a thought. Nice work.

caitlin mcclure said...

The look great! I don't think I'd change anything.

Laura Hayes said...

i agree with amber. the rings and dots may be an overload. you dont need to fill all that space. your books look awesome!

Jill Brunner said...

I ruv them.

Radhika said...

The rings and the dots would probably look nicer when the covers are folded....hmm, yeah, I wouldn't change a thing.