Wednesday, November 21, 2007

books for the crazy.


steph said...

Did you apple 7 that stuff or what? I know you were having problems with loading your stuff too, but I think that your files are the right colors when you click on them. I like that the couches are different from one another. I don't know that I am totally sold on all the patterns you chose. Why no pattern for the yellow couch? Those are just design issues. They type looks good. Very clean and modern font.

:::Cornfed::: said...

Clean up the shadow-thinga-majilly-bobber underneath the couches.

Jonathan Elliott said...

A few things. The authors name is lost in the couch. Either make a pure white, and black for social psych, or put the author's name at the bottom. Also, I don't think the large block of text is needed on the back (the definition). In two of the three, the definition is already stated in the copy, and the design is effective without the large block, because it retains the simplicity that worked so well beforehand. I think the chosen fonts work. The only bigger thing is to change the patterns on the couches. It works decently for biological, but the others could have a lot added to them, (i.e. this odd, contorted couch for abnormal).


caitlin mcclure said...

I like the ideas of the textures but along with what someone else said, I don't know if they are the right ones. I have a hard time reading the author's name. The block on the back...I think I would make it even more transparent because right now it is taking a lot away from the couch.

Amber said...

I kinda like the whole idea of the definition on the back in the box. But I agree you don't need it there and in the body copy. I also agree with Caitlin- maybe make the box a little more subtle.
One other thing...I know you are trying to keep the color/pattern of the couch on the spine consistent with the respective book, but since that is the part that is supposed to bring all 3 books together, did you think about making them all the same color there? Like black?

They look good lady.

Jill Brunner said...

I love the leopard couch.

The definition on the yellow book is uneven. I guess all the definition boxes on the back could be slightly less intrusive, but they don't bother me that much.

I like them! I like the fonts. About the author getting lost, I suppose you could make the font bold? Hmmm...

Britni Rowen said...

cool! I just realized that the back cover image is the back of the couch! Ha!

I like them. clean. modern. Simple Sexy chic. I feel like they were featured on Sex in the City

wierd how the colors are so different from when they're posted, and they you click on them- BAM red, yellow etc...

The bright green/yellow makes me so happy. LOVE IT

Radhika said...

I am unable to enlarge these and therefore, see the real colors. I definitely did like where these were going. Is there a reason why the couch on the cover in the middle is smaller than the other two couches?

Elizabeth said...

I agree with the previous comments about readability and the imagery. Also, take a look at the placement of the "edition." Is the current placement helping the design?