Mr. Language finally got the axe. Every time I brought up the file, it looked more and more like a kid's book, or a 5th grade language book. He's in a better place now. Also settled with Century Schoolbook and Helvetica for the fonts, instead of half my library.
Ok, so I don't know what's going on, but I can't click on yours to enlarge them. So I will comment based on a bird's eye view. They look really good. I feel like they could be on the shelf at B&N. From my current view, why no tittle on the "i" in Spanish. (Yes tittle is a technical term according to trivia in the Tin Lizzy's bathroom)...always learning.
Screw Mr. Language. These look way better. Makes me wanna speaka da spanglish.
No dotted "i" in Spanish because the flag would have to be moved over to reveal it, or the dot would be on top. I just tried slapping it on top, and it worked out ok, methinks.
These look really good! This might not work, but you might want to try making the author's name on the front smaller (and maybe even in all caps too?). It is so squeezed in under the title, it looks like it is part of the title. Just a suggestion.
I think they look much better! Especially how you changed up the usage of the flags. I would maybe try and make the line under the title just a little bit thinner and see how that looks. Other than that, they look great.
weee! they look great mantis. the only thing im having problems is your margins on the front. they are a little too close. other than that great job.
pretty. me like.
I can't enlarge them either, so you will escape my nit-picking eyes for now. I'll get you next time! Mwah ha ha ha
I agree with the comments that the title/author feels very cramped at the bottom. Perhaps the flag stripe on the cover is not necessary, and the type can come down in size.
The back could use some refinements. You may want to look into using 2 speech bubbles, as a way to organize the information.
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