Here they are, in all their glory. I tried the Euro cover with a bigger star circle (flag) but it looked weird. I removed the ligatures and added "First Edition" to give it some balance and break up the white space. I also added the patriotic "i" on the US cover. Go America!

Big Jilly Style (all in it)
I am not ready...I'll comment later. I have to prepare.
I like what you did for the American "i" on the cover. Makes me wanna wear a top hat just like Apollo in Rocky IV. Anyways, not sure about the lower case drop cap on the backs. I would change them to upper cases and then put the lower cases in your back pocket for another day.
I like the changes you made from last class. Superb. One might want to try making the icon/stripe things at the top of the back cover bigger. Everything kinda feels like its the same size on the back.
I really like them. I think the "i" on the US one works really well.
Ok, I am ready now. I agree with Amber after I took another look. I just don't know if I would go bigger, maybe smaller? maybe not? Also, I know I already told you this, but I would fix how the lines of text run into the drop caps so they are even. I like the lowercase though because everything else is too.
the look so much better. the back text look a lot better with no rag. the only thing is that i wouldn't have the white behind the barcode. its distracting.
I like these. Though, the type on the back of the last book may not be readable after printing. Also, the lower case 't' on the drop cap bothers me a bit.
Looking at the series, the dragon icon could use some simplification, to make at more parallel to the other icons.
Also, take a look at the composition of the back covers, the balance of negative space and the relationship of all the components.
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